Creating Your Mandala

A Practice of Life

As we approach the last month of the year, the days get shorter, we tune into the darkness a little bit more, and notice our capacity to cocoon a little bit more.  We see that there is light within the darkness, particularly with the Winter Solstice approaching as the darkest day of the year.  With the light we also open into our creative potential.  As mindful practitioners we practice letting go or loosening our grip aparigraha or non-attachment.  We tune in to our creative unconscious, an open mind.  We take actions day to day with a practical plan for transformation.  


Change is inevitable, we know this to be true in our complicated life and landscape of our times. The Buddhist refer to this as the law of impermanence.  Nothing stays the same, not even the rocks, mountains, which we know the snow, rain and rivers sculpt.  


It is how we prepare for inevitable change and create the life we want through our intricate and intimate balance with the natural world.  In Buddhism, a Mandala is a intricate circular sand painting of many colors that depicts the relationships among the celestial bodies in the cosmos and represents the turning of the wheel of fortune.  

A symbol that renders the cycle of life, birth to death and birth again.  We can garner this mandala as  a symbol of our creative potential and remember the central tenant that what we pay attention to grows.  


Being mindful and mindfulness allows us to slow down in the dark of winter, pay attention to the subtle inner voice and calling, and allows us to reveal a greater awareness of our potential inside our busy and noisy thoughts that are simply distractions from our quiet inner voice.


Perhaps you can envision your mandala and creative voice calling you in…


More next week on fine tuning our creative potential, while quieting the noise.


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Jennifer Degen
December 10, 2022


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