8 hours and 46 minutes of Light and Growing

The Winter Solstice approaching Brings Hope

In our last blogs we have been honoring our creative potential, the slowing down and the being.  We may practice mindfulness, listen to our inner whisper, and/or acknowledge all the ways we resist feeling and being aware.  In the still of winter, we hibernate.  We stop to pause at the moon, hear the bard owl outside, and celebrate the dusting of snow blanketing our valley.  We covet the sunshine and the blue skies even more because the days are short.


As we create and manifest our conscious lives this is a beautiful

time to manifest your dreams by designing an Alter that represents an expression of what you are visioning for yourself. It is a way of enhancing and remembering what you are growing in your life and reminding you of it in physical form.   An alter is of your own making around your conscious rituals that celebrate hope and rebirth as we approach the shortest day of the year and the tides will then turn to more light.  As you light the candle it may be nice to honor the fear and darker parts of life with presence and call in hope at the same time.


Being open to the change you are creating by carefully placing the objects, pictures, memorials, that celebrate your unique connection to this time and your vision for the coming year.

You may want to also make an intentional fire and burn any unwanted patterns, thoughts, narratives that you know you would like to release. Placing the words on strips of paper and dropping them in the flame. This activity while symbolic is bringing to awareness what you would like to no longer hold onto.

Here are some simple tips to make an Alter:

  • Clear an intentional space and make room
    for inspiration

  • Gather greens, gems/stones, candle,
    favorite objects of nature and meaning

  • Design your own alter with your vision for
    what you are already wanting to bring in
    (for ex: peace, hope, clarity, confidence)

  • Place important words that inspire or
    symbols that embody who and what
    you are growing into. 

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Jennifer Degen
December 14, 2022


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