Our Thoughts Are Not Who We Are: Choosing Peace Over Judgment
Discover the power of stepping back from judgmental thoughts and embracing peace. Learn how to navigate challenging emotions, shift your perspective, and live in alignment with your deeper values. Choose kindness, connection, and a life filled with compassion over mental battles and stress.
Your Inner Optimist
In the words of Shirzad Chamine, Stamford University Professor and founder of Positive Intelligence,
"Saboteurs are your internal thought enemies. They represent a set of automatic habits of your mind, each with its own voice, beliefs, and assumptions that work against your best interest."
Monkey Mind Chatter
Lately, in my processing of the work of Positive Intelligence, I have been catching my saboteurs or negative belief patterns and interested in acknowledging them quickly, I have become increasingly interested in returning to the Buddhist origins of the monkey mind and its relevance in my study.
Somatic Intelligence – Deep Respect for Our Body’s Wisdom
Our body has been with us our whole lives. It learned to walk all wobbly and bobbly knees in the joy of delight of our first steps.
Messages from Our Body Lead to Greater Agency
Are you triggered by time alone or quiet?
Do you have a repeated argument with yourself in your head?
Are you experiencing digestive issues?
Do you feel stuck and heavy, and not able to move in a direction in your life?
Did You Know You Can Tune Yourself?
I have been studying Finely Tuned a course in sound healing with Dr. John Beaulieu. The experiential learning in this course has led me to a greater realization of what a profound and intelligent body we have.
What Are Ancestral Superfoods?
Healing foodways from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Ayurveda, Macrobiotics, African Functional Foods, and the Mediterranean Diet can be therapeutically appropriate for a period of convalescence.
8 hours and 46 minutes of Light and Growing
In our last blogs we have been honoring our creative potential, the slowing down and the being. We may practice mindfulness, listen to our inner whisper, and/or acknowledge all the ways we resist feeling and being aware.
Creating Your Mandala
As we approach the last month of the year, the days get shorter, we tune into the darkness a little bit more, and notice our capacity to cocoon a little bit more.
We All Have Creative Potential
Last week we talked about mindfulness, slowing down, non attachment, and tuning into our creative potential.