What We Are Not Aware of Can Often Take Hold

“What we do not make conscious emerges as fate”
Carl Young

Integrating Hakomi Based Methods into my practice, I have grown interested 

In the domain of conscious awareness. Awareness and insight often emerges when an unconscious memory is released during a session.  A memory’s previous tendency to take hold and stay blocked, releases in the form of tears, heat, energy,  a relaxed state, or some other creative form of the body’s innate intelligence.   


There is a capacity for freedom that unfolds when we uncover held emotions. When one is held in awareness and supported mindfully, I have found people can release long formed  habits that

may have been self-reinforcing in ways that are not useful.  They can be nudged, held, or attended to in new ways, and shaped into a more supported and productive way of being.

Jennifer Degen
August 19, 2022


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