The Art of Unplugging: Finding Sanctuary in a World Obsessed with Productivity
Part 3: Overcoming Negativity Bias and Embracing a Balanced Mind
Lets recognize and understand the role negativity plays in our lives if we desire to feel a sense of agency and contentment in our lives. Not knowing how our brains function can lead to increased tension, anxiety, and depression.
The truth is, our brains are wired and fire more frequently in ways that work against us rather than support us. This continues to make us feel rest-less, and distracted.
Our ancestors' survival required them to respond quickly to threats, like a saber-toothed tiger attacking them. This hardwired our brain to be more attuned to danger. Those who could… effectively fight, flee, or freeze in the face of danger survived, while those who were less attuned to threats… did not.
As a result, we are the survivors and also a product of all of the positive and negative ways our families adapted.
Unfortunately, our primitive, or reptilian, brains have not fully adapted to our modern environment. We often perceive situations as matters of safety, connection, and gaining social status. So unknowingly we tend to develop repetitive thoughts that are designed to support our safety.
The issue arises when this survival-focused mindset is applied to non-threatening situations, leading to a constant state of worry about the future.
Our modern day life. We end up in a perpetuating thought cycle about a negative thought or judgment that is purely imagined about ourselves, others, and our circumstances.
This is a large reason why relationships remain vulnerable if we are unaware of our habitual thoughts and patterns that end up making us feel terrible.
To counteract this negativity and create a sense of balance and well-being in our lives, we can:
Increase awareness of our thoughts and emotions, recognizing when we are falling into the negativity bias.
Practice mindfulness and meditation to help train our brains to focus on the present moment and cultivate a more balanced outlook.
Surround ourselves with positive influences and engage in activities that bring joy and fulfillment.
Seek professional help if feelings of anxiety, depression, or panic become overwhelming or persistent.
By understanding the role negativity plays in our lives and taking steps to address it,
We can work towards greater agency, contentment, and well-being.
Challenge negative thinking to improve rest and wellbeing!
Jennifer Degen
May 18, 2023
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