Gratitude is a Super Power Practice
We all have choices about where we place our conscious attention. Sometimes we feel like we are too busy, unable to make time to practice, or stuck in a loop of negativity. The reality is our brain unconsciously gets hijacked and is magnetically pulled to the negative material, and we need a more potent response to minimize the unfortunate aspects of our brain by design.
In my opinion, I don’t have a choice, NOT to practice, because I want to thrive and not stay in survival mode. With our current life circumstances, many of us feel like we are running a race with no finish, or we remain in a constant state of worry and anxiety even if most aspects of our lives are in good shape.
What is a solution to the fact that our brain doesn’t have to run the show of our lives? Is it possible to reshape the brain and grow pathways that highlight an attitude of gratitude instead? A predominance of research in the past two decades suggests that regular gratitude practices can help to balance our mental state of awareness in ways that change our physiology.
That is a super power to greater resilience.
If you would like to begin a gratitude practice that is simple and worth your commitment, that will begin to shape new ways of being,
I will send along a journaling practice outline that can
Change your mental state of being,
Assist in better sleep,
And will reduce the effects of the negativity bias
We all tend to be vulnerable to.negative mental states
Reach back here in an email and write Gratitude Please, and I will send along the journaling practice.
Jennifer Degen
November 15, 2022
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