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The Yamas; Ahimsa, Satya, Aparigraha


Today, as we meet on our mats, let's honor the sacred space we are creating here, where unity, peace, and love are the guiding principles. The essence of Yoga is to discover harmony within ourselves and the world around us. It is about creating balance between body and soul, strength and flexibility, effort and ease.

Yoga isn't just about the physical postures we practice; it is a philosophical journey.

Today, we are going to delve deeper into the Yoga Sutras, specifically focusing on the Yamas: Ahimsa, Satya, and Aparigraha.

Ahimsa, or non-violence, implores us to harbor no harm in our actions, thoughts, or words. It is a gentle reminder of the respect and compassion we owe to ourselves and every living being. Today, let's cultivate Ahimsa in each pose we flow through, meeting our body where it's at and not pushing into discomfort or harm.

Next, we have Satya, or truthfulness. It urges us to live and speak our truth sincerely, maintaining integrity with ourselves and others. As we move into each pose, let us practice Satya by truly acknowledging where we are in our practice, not striving for what we think we should be, but accepting and honoring where we are.

Finally, Aparigraha, or non-possessiveness, teaches us to let go, to live in the present, and to not hold onto physical or mental clutter. It's about realizing the freedom and joy that comes from letting go. As we flow from pose to pose, let us embody Aparigraha, releasing the thoughts, worries, and expectations that no longer serve us.

As we come into our practice today, let these three guiding principles: Ahimsa, Satya, and Aparigraha, resonate within our bodies and minds. May we create space for love, truth, and release, experiencing our yoga journey with these values as our guides

Take a moment to sit comfortably, close your eyes, and bring your hands to your heart.

Let's take a deep collective breath, inhale... and exhale... letting go of anything that isn't serving us.

Welcome, everyone, to this journey within.


Jennifer Degen
June 29, 2023

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